Marin City
![Marin City. Photo courtesy MCCSD.](
Marin City water is supplied by the Marin County Municipal Water District (MMWD). Its water has been fluoridated with hydrofluorosilicic acid since 1973. In all that time, no scientific studies have been provided that verify the water’s safety for ingestion by all consumers.
To get the safety information we need, to find out if the information even exists, please sign the MMWD Fluoridation Moratorium Initiative petition at the Marin City Community Services (MCCSD) office.
Marin City Community Services
630 Drake Avenue, Marin City, California 94965
Monday -Thursday: 9:30 am – 6:00 pm
Friday: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm
![map to Marin Community Services District map](
Prior to World War II, the land that would become Marin City was home to a dairy farm and a handful of families. War was declared on December 8, 1941, and Marin City was rapidly built in the new year (1942) in order to house 6000 of the 20,000 workers who migrated from all over the United States, attracted by the jobs at Marinship— the Sausalito waterfront shipyard. A total of 93 liberty ships and tankers were built and launched from Marinship in less than three years.
This “instant community,” constructed by a joint venture between the federal government, and the Marin County Housing Authority, which was created to manage the project, boasted 2,700 dormitory and apartment units; a school; a public library; a variety of stores, cafes, barber/beauty shops; a health facility; and a community center.
The country’s first integrated federal housing project, Marin City at its peak had a population of 6,500 people, including over 1,000 school aged children. Marin City was home to midwestern whites (85%), southern blacks (10%), and Chinese immigrants (5%) who worked around the clock in the Bechtel-owned Marinship Shipyards.
After the war ended, many of the African American shipyard laborers who had migrated from the Southern U.S. became permanent residents of Marin City either by choice or due to various racial discriminatory laws limiting housing opportunities in other parts of Marin County. In contrast to war times, when African Americans comprised only 10% of Marin City’s population, they soon became the core of the community when the majority of guest laborers departed at the end of the war.
Currently, Marin City is the most diverse community in Marin County. There are approximately 4,000 residents of which approximately 40% are African-American, 33% are White, 10% are Hispanic, 8% are Asian/Pacific Islander, and 9% Other.
![Marin City. Photo courtesy MCCSD.](
Marin City Community Services District provides public parks and recreation, street lighting, and refuse collection services to Marin City residents. Further, The District provides public leadership in all matters that affect the community, including economic development, education, health and wellness, public safety, physical infrastructure, transportation, zoning, signage, land use planning, housing, and redevelopment.
The District is guided by the following principles: community responsiveness, good fiscal management, non-reactionary, data-driven decision making practices, spirit of collaboration, and self-determination.
Learn more about MCCSD
630 Drake Avenue, Marin City, California 94965
Monday -Thursday: 9:30 am – 6:00 pm
Friday: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm